St. James’s Place is one of the UK's leading wealth management organisations. As of 31 Dec 2022, funds under their management were in excess of £148 billion.
At an award ceremony held in 2023, St. James’s Place was announced as the winner of the ‘2023 City of London Wealth Management Company of the Year Award’.
This prestigious award, voted for by the public, recognises the wealth management company that provides high-quality advice and service and this is the SEVETH YEAR they’ve won it.
Why St. James Place?
A promise to you.
Did you know that St. James's Place provide a guarantee?
St. James’s Place guarantees the suitability of the advice given by members of the St. James’s Place Partnership when recommending any of the wealth management products and services available from companies in the Group, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website at www.sjp.co.uk/products
Outstanding Ability
St. James's Place don't employ in-house investment managers. Instead, they carefully select external managers of outstanding ability to manage their range of funds.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.
As funds are managed by different experts with different styles, it allows for investment diversification.
If St. James's Place lose confidence in a fund manager, it allows them to replace them - without any charges, tax, or inconvenience to their clients.
Supporting those in need since 1992, St.James’s Place Charitable Foundation has so far raised over £120 million to help make a difference to the lives of children and young people.
The Charitable Foundation has focused its support on small to medium-sized charities that can benefit substantially from relatively small grants. Hundreds of small charities have benefited as a result.