Investing in an ISA is one of the most tax-efficient ways you can save for your future.
Changes made since their inception now mean ISAs offer you even bigger tax breaks and greater flexibility with what you can include.
The current ISA allowance limit is set at £20,000 for the tax year 2024/2025.
Could it be right for you right now?
We would always recommend trying to fully utilise your ISA allowance each tax year. They are an essential component of any diversified, well-balanced, tax-efficient wealth management strategy.
St. James’s Place ISA funds draw on the expertise of some of the world’s top investment managers.
An ISA fund’s mix should be regularly reviewed and adjusted to meet changing needs and market conditions.
Junior ISAs
Want to put money aside for your children’s future? A Junior ISA is a flexible and tax-efficient way to do this.
Today, the younger generation face new and complex financial challenges. Whether it’s to help pay for their education, for money towards their first house deposit, or simply to provide an investment platform for them to draw and build on in later life, setting up a Junior ISA now could give your children the financial head start they need.
The current JISA allowance limit is set at £9,000 for the tax year 2024/2025.
Investing in a Junior ISA is investing in your child’s future.
Before investing in a Unit Trust via a Junior ISA, it is important that you read our Key Investor Information Documents and Supplementary Information Document.
You should be aware that an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and the value may, therefore, fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.
The favourable tax treatment given to ISAs is subject to changes in legislation and may not be maintained in the future.