The real you.

What you have, what you want, what you do and how you do it is unique. The same applies to your personal or business wealth. We understand that.

Which is why our advice is tailored to meet your unique needs. We don’t provide off-the-shelf solutions that might or might not fit. Our relationship, our advice, our solutions and our ongoing support are individual to you.

Orestone Wealth Management Commitment

Our Commitment to You

It's pretty simple.

It's actually really simple. We promise to:

  • Give personal face-to-face financial advice if and when you need it.
  • Provide opportunities for you to regularly review your financial affairs.
  • Have your investments managed via the St. James's Place Distinctive Approach to Investment Management.
  • To better prepare you, to make smart decisions with your money
  • Inform you of anything that might financially affect you or your wealth.
  • Listen objectively and respond constructively to your feedback.
  • Conduct all dealings with you in a way that is sensitive and sympathetic to your needs.
  • Always be invested in you

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up.  You may get back less than you invested.

Private Clients
Meeting your financial needs

If you have substantial wealth, your financial circumstances will be more complicated than most. We specialise in meeting the financial needs of people with high incomes, or have generated significant capital.

Intergenerational Wealth Management
A strong tree has strong roots.

It might sound a mouthful, but Intergenerational Wealth Management is simply about how families can use their wealth to support each other throughout their lifetimes.

Business Owners
Growing together

Successful business development is powered by precise, proactive financial planning. No matter where your business is in its life-cycle we can help it survive and thrive.

Planning for the Tax Year-End
A taxing problem

The tax year ends on 5th April, and with it ends the opportunity for you to benefit from the many tax mitigation solutions that you or your business could have been entitled to this year.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances.

Working With Other Specialists
A special relationship

In specific and highly technical areas you need the absolute best advice. We’re fortunate that we work with people who have exceptional expertise. And we’re even more fortunate that we can draw upon that expertise should you need it.

Making Your Wealth Work For You.

Practical, proven, valuable advice.

At Orestone Wealth Management, we specialise in delivering quality, face-to-face wealth management advice with a commitment to building trusted and long-lasting relationships with each and every one of our clients.

Adrian Howard